Crafts Crafts Crafts

Every morning before 7am our 5-year-old daughter, Lucky, is up and at em. It was lovingly annoying when she used to climb into bed and try to cuddle, or share her meandering dreams from the night before. But somehow (maybe she took the hint) she has taken to spending more than an hour each morning–completely on her own–making crafts of various sorts downstairs at the kitchen table. Here is what I discovered when I returned home from an early morning run today:

Letters to her friends

Letters to her friends

I’m really pretty amazed that with iPads and iPhones, TVs and toys all over the house, Lucky chooses to spend her time doing stuff like this. I’m pretty sure I would have been watching cartoons.


Early morning crafts

Early morning crafts

She may be at the kitchen table…but this kind of thing is what I mean by #LifeOnACouch

— Shawny

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