Tag Archives: motivation

Thursday Thought: New Years Eeeeeeeeeve

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
— Carl Bard
[ An excerpt from an internal email sent to all Lovesac employees 12/31/2015 ]
As cliché as it may be, I am a strong believer in finding a quiet corner—maybe just in your car or closet—to clear your mind, reflect on what you achieved in 2015, and make not more than three crystal clear and achievable new year’s resolutions with a simple action plan to stick to them. Do it! Make time for it!! Our Lovesac Family is not a thing—it is a collection of 350+ individual human beings, and we are only as great as each individual is. We all rely on each other.
Shawn Nelson

Its time for big things

But besides it being a time for resolutions, New Year’s Eve is a time to celebrate—and we have a lot to celebrate! Together, we have made great things happen this year. As tired as you may feel, or as “not pretty” as it sometimes is around here, YOU are absolutely responsible for Lovesac’s turning some major corners in 2015 and setting this company on a path to achieve growth and success at a rate that will make the past few years feel slow.
It may or may not feel like it to you, but we are in a good and stable position as a company, and is your fault that we are there. We certainly have endless work left to do, a hundred shortcomings, and a thousand things to improve upon…but we should all feel good about what we have achieved this year. I am really proud of what we have done and I’m also proud of the chance we have to influence this world going forward—filling it with product that has been designed-for-life, growing the overall economy and providing opportunities for more people to work and share in our spoils along the way. We should all be proud of that. We are not just selling stuff—we are building a company—together.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
— Shawn

Thursday Thought: OUR Holiday

Internal email sent to all Lovesac employees: Dec 23, 2015

No one has ever become poor by giving. 
— Anne Frank
To my Lovesac Family,
I am so grateful for retail. For some people, “the Holidays” is really just a couple of days each year….a mad rush to squeeze in some shopping and wrapping and cooking to prepare for all of the craziness of holiday dinners, visits to and from extended family, and everything else that comes along with it.
Our Holiday is more-than-a-month-long event. We are subjected to all of the frenetic energy, timeless music, and that extra little bit of goodwill that comes (or should come) with the Holiday Season for a stretch of many weeks. After 15 Lovesac Christmases, I still absolutely love it, and I would encourage all of us not to “wish it away.” Just like many of the best things in life, the Holidays will come with all of its accompanying high stress, low funds, and limited time…but the Holidays will also go, and then we’re just left with winter.
Thanks to ALL OF OUR collective hard work, we have put ourselves in a position where we can, and should just relax and enjoy it. SO PLEASE—MAKE THE EFFORT TO ENJOY IT! Why don’t you go ahead and TAKE FRIDAY OFF…all of you! I know—its generous.  🙂  But seriously, TAKE IT COMPLETELY OFF and be totally PRESENT with the ones you love.
Find every opportunity to give. Take the time over the next few days to open more doors, illicit more smiles, tip a little larger, anger a little slower, share more Holiday well-wishes, and generally SPREAD THE LOVE. Nothing matters more than love, and we get to be its namesake—in furniture form.
Please enjoy this fantastic video that reminds us that there are many ways to give, and of the power behind our smallest of actions. Its worth the watch:

I love you. I appreciate what you do to keep us all mutually employed and feeling successful this year. We are all in this together, and we all owe each other for our collective success.
Merry Christmas, Happy belated Hanukkah, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO US ALL!
Feel good. We’ve earned it.
— Shawn